You Can Learn To Sleep Soundly
Sleep is a habit There are certainly enough stressful things right now in our world to keep you awake but, they don’t have to! Every time you tell yourself you can’t sleep, you can’t sleep! It’s not true, everyone sleeps. You may not sleep well, but you definitely CAN sleep. But can you sleep soundly. […]
Self-Esteem – What Do You See When You Look in The Mirror?
High self-esteem is essential for success in any endeavor What labels do you use when you talk to yourself? Do you feel like a victim? Do you focus on your mistakes? Where did you get your ideas about yourself? When you answer these questions, you will have an honest assessment of your self-esteem. Self-esteem should […]
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When You Feel Like You Can’t Take It Anymore
Are there times in your life when you thought you just could not handle one more thing? Or that you just can’t take it anymore? Well, you are not alone. That is a feeling we all get from time to time. And, of course, what did you learn? You can handle anything and everything you […]
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Reduce Your Stress!
Five Ways to Cut Down on Stress Exercise regularly. Avoid false guilt and worry. Set realistic goals and priorities. Hang loose. Set aside time to relax every day. Avoid overindulging in drugs, food, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. The Five Steps for Stress Reduction. Progressive relaxation starting from your head or toes and mentally relaxing […]
Legalized Vaping: A Crime Against Humanity?
Legalized vaping has no place in our society The older I get the more jaded I become about the role of the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in protecting the health and wellness of our country. Now the FDA is allowing legalized vaping to infiltrate the lifestyles of millions of young adults. Unscrupulous business opportunists will […]
Meridian Tapping Has Gone Mainstream!
Meridian Tapping is becoming understood by more and more people Although I’ve written about Meridian Tapping, (also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) before, I am compelled to revisit it now. A few weeks ago while watching TV, “Jane the Virgin”, to be exact, and Tapping was being used to calm her down and […]
Why Bother Making New Year’s Resolutions?
I’m not sure if anyone still goes through the process of writing down resolutions anymore but I’m encouraging it, even if you choose not to keep them. I hope this inspires you to consider mindfully putting a few down on paper. I’m reminded of an old Chinese proverb: “A journey of a thousand miles […]
Mindfulness, Hypnosis and Meditation
I am so pleased to hear that the concept of mindfulness has made it to the mainstream public schools. Recently I learned that mindfulness specialists have begun to work with children in the schools. I can only hope that teachers are learning to use these techniques to reduce their own stress and improve their own lives as […]
Getting The Sleep You Want
Do you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? Are you afraid that you can’t sleep? Have you been grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw and feeling pain in the morning? Are you taking medication to help you sleep? Jaw clenching and teeth grinding are a result of unresolved stress. You can […]
Irritable, angry, sad, or depressed?
Understand Moods There’re so many different ways to label negative feelings. Each has a different definition and evokes a unique way of experiencing it in the mind and body. Every emotion has a corresponding physical expression that includes, but is not limited to, elevated blood pressure, stomach pain, neck or back pain or even headaches. […]
If You Want To Be Trimmer
Many Aspects to Weight Management We all know people who are trim and we think they just have a better metabolism or it’s just the luck of having good genes. Well, that’s only partly true. Our genetic makeup definitely influences our body type in many ways. It determines our height, bone structure, and can even […]
Are You Avoiding Seeking Help?
If you are feeling unhappy, out of control or just plain miserable there may be some specific reasons you are avoiding asking for help. Some of the reasons people avoid getting the help they need are that they think they can handle it themselves, or that it will pass. I would ask those people, “How […]
Vaping, Jeweling, Ripping.Should Parents Be Worried?
As a former health educator, very little surprises me when it comes to teenagers. However, that has all changed with the news I’m getting about e-cigarettes or jewels or pods or whatever they are called. I have treated several teens in the past few months to help them ‘kick the habit’ and hypnosis has been […]
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Pain Relief Using The Power of Your Mind
There are many different kinds of pain. Pain is felt physically, emotionally and psychologically and most often cannot be separated. There is a very strong mind body connection and that is why it’s easier than you would imagine to reduce pain using nothing more than the power of your mind. There is still so much not known about the science of […]
Hypnosis For Childbirth
As I watch a TV show that portrays a woman giving birth as a screaming woman in labor, I feel compelled to share my latest passion in the world of hypnosis. I’m excited to share with you the idea and process of childbirth with hypnosis. Without becoming too technical, I will share with you the idea […]
Are Angry People Abusers or Abused?
I have written about anger before but this is a question that still remains unclear. Why are some people just angry by nature? Does being angry give a person the right to burst out into a mean, out of control rant? We often tiptoe around angry people so we don’t ‘set them off . People […]
Retrain Your Brain!
Do you remember the old saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? Research on the brain has proven that statement is false. The brain can be rewired or reprogrammed more easily than you may think. Most people understand the concept of being ‘traumatized’ by a specific experience. In fact many of my clients […]
Do You Feel Happy?
You Can Be Happy The pursuit of happiness seems to be the biggest part of the American dream yet so few people identify themselves as being happy. Is it possible to be happy when there is so much sadness in the world? Is it possible to be happy if the people you care about are […]
Do You Have Insomnia?
Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Do you take pills to help you sleep? Have you ever told yourself, ‘I can’t sleep?’ Sleeping is as normal as breathing! So, why do so many people have trouble doing it? Sleep is a habit like any other habit and can be changed if you […]
The Pursuit Of Happiness.. Understanding Bad Habits
Understand How To Find Happiness We have all been raised to believe in the American way that includes the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There are many who tie their happiness to a future event, I can’t be happy until…or I won’t be happy unless… Since all hypnosis is […]
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Changing Negative Habits Can Reduce Stress
Understanding Habits Habits are behaviors that your brain has gotten used to and repeats often unknowingly. Your brain thrive on familiarity. Therefore, when you repeat a behavior, you are creating a neural pathway. The neural pathway makes the behavior easier and often automatic. Changing a habit means creating a new neural pathway or a […]
Have you ever felt “Not Good Enough”?
The majority of my clients have shared this feeling with me. This includes clients who have no financial worries, those who are successful in their careers, those who are having healthy relationships, and every other category you can name. There is no general statement covering those who feel that they are “just not good enough.” […]
Learn Self Hypnosis
I have stated many times that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis so you may now be wondering how to do that. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation that we often enter several times a day. Sometimes we call it day dreaming or zoning out. A state of hypnosis is achieved when you slow down your […]
Are You Being Hypnotized?
Are You Being Hypnotized? One of the most popular comments I get from people about hypnosis is, ‘‘I don’t think I can be hypnotized.’’ It makes sense to me because most people don’t really understand what hypnosis is. I will tell you who does know exactly what hypnosis is; advertising agencies, politicians, political campaign managers […]
A Perspective On Anger
Anger is a very normal, appropriate emotion that we experience when things are out of our control. How can one tell if anger is a problem or an issue that needs intervention or attention? I have seen many clients who have physical and emotional problems as a result of their deep rooted anger. My experience […]
Why Can’t I Control My Eating?
Understanding Your Relationship With Food Do you ever feel out of control around food? Do you continue to eat until you are uncomfortable even though you’re not hungry? Do you choose to eat junk even though you know it makes you feel fat and uncomfortable? Do you eat “comfort foods” even though they make you feel really “uncomfortable”? Do […]
I’m Sorry, I Can’t Help You!
That is my least favorite thing I ever say to a client, but there are things that I cannot change and some things I am unwilling to try to change. Let me explain. A 19 year old woman came to see me for feelings of depression, anger, sadness and anxiety. She had tears in her eyes as […]
Are You Hearing Voices
If you are, you’re not alone. There are psychiatric hospitals filled with people who hear voices telling them to do bad things. Those are not the kind of voices that I am writing about today. In my hypnosis training I learned that we all have different parts to us and that sometimes we hear those […]
Are Your Relationships Healthy?
When I was teaching health, the unit on relationships was one of my favorites. I found that many of my students were in relationships that were ‘unhealthy’. I realized how important it was to help them identify that for themselves. I believe that knowledge is power and I wanted them to be informed. Many of […]
Avoid Winter Blahs and Stay Healthy
Create Your Own Sunshine Now that the winter has officially arrived, many of my clients begin to stay indoors more often and feel stuck and unproductive. This often creates a lot of unnecessary stress. New Year Resolutions are a nice idea but they seem to fizzle out by mid January. There are many ways to […]
How to know when to ask for help
Have you ever felt concerned about a behavior, feeling or reoccurring thought? Have you tried to handle it yourself but noticed it gets worse? Do you rely on your family and friends to help you but feel disappointed because they can’t or won’t help? Do you have a hard time figuring why you feel this […]
Is Self Esteem Learned Or Earned?
Understanding Self-Esteem According to Wikipedia: “Self–esteem reflects a person’s emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. It encompasses beliefs (for example, “I am competent”, “I am worthy”, I’m not good enough,”) and emotions such as triumph, pride, and shame.” According to […]
Can Hypnosis Help People With Diabetes?
The simplest and most obvious answer is, of course! The second question is: how can hypnosis help diabetes? There is a distinct difference between type 1 and 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the one I will focus on in this article. Its impossible to ignore the reports that diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in […]
What if I Don’t Believe in Hypnosis?
What if I Don’t “Believe” in Hypnosis? Many people form their beliefs about hypnosis from what they have seen by attending stage hypnosis shows, in the movies and on television. A friend of mine is a comedy hypnotist and gets his participants to sing like Madonna and dance like a prima ballerina. After the show […]
Does Everyone Worry?
The short answer is yes. At some time or other we all worry about something. However, some people take it to an extreme where it controls their life and becomes the center of their daily thoughts. Many hear themselves asking “what if…happens?” If you worry too much it will have a negative effect on your […]
Conquer Phobias With Hypnosis?
Phobias: Conquer Them With Hypnosis? I was taught that we are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears must be learned. It is not difficult to understand how we learn to be afraid. It seems like parents spend a lot of time making […]
You Are Being Hypnotized By Politicians And The Media
Hypnosis is not only for therapy to help change bad habits and unwanted negative thoughts, hypnosis is used covertly to get you to believe things that someone wants you to believe to have power over you or your thoughts. In his book, Gustave Le Bon in The Crowd: A Study of The Popular Mind, his study […]
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Hypnosis For Back to School Stress
Who is more stressed about the issue of going back to school, parents or kids? Parents naturally have the stress of the expenses that include school supplies, clothes, sneakers, technology and the list goes on. The additional stress relates to worrying about your child being comfortable, confident, getting the best teacher, being liked and feeling safe […]
Vacation Is A State Of Mind
Now that summer is here, many people are thinking “vacation”. There are some who think a vacation is a luxury that is not in this year’s budget. Others cannot take off from work because there is too much work to do. Well, vacation is not only fun, it promotes health, happiness and increases productivity. Time […]
Skip the Yips and Improve Your Golf Game
Many golfers that have come to me for help improving their game have a similar issue: they can’t shut off their mind at the crucial time to swing. Regardless of how skillful you are, to play at your highest level you must have confidence. The key to playing your best golf is to combine […]
The Secret to Creating Good Habits
Habits…The Secret to Creating Good Ones Which habits have you been unable to change? Some habits are good, some are utilitarian but some are bad and they create frustration and disease. The most obvious habits are brushing teeth, eating, sleeping and driving. The problem occurs when people are plagued with feelings of failure because they […]
So, You Think You’re Addicted?
So You Think You’re Addicted.. Are you a self-proclaimed addict? Have you claimed to be addicted to chocolate or carbs? How many times have you told others that you are addicted to cigarettes or junk food? Why do some people quit smoking cold turkey and never miss it, and others eliminate all junk when they […]
Forgiveness, We All Need a Little!
Have you ever done something that you needed to be forgiven for? Have you ever asked for forgiveness only to be denied? Do you feel guilty because you have you hurt someone, intentionally or not, but have not asked to be forgiven? I could started by asking if you are holding a grudge or if […]
Danger is Real, Fear is Optional
We all have fears. Fear is defined as: “An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. Whether real or imagined, the body responds the same.” When the body reacts to a perception of danger, the physical reactions include: sweaty palms, tightening of the […]
Enjoy The Holidays Without Gaining Weight
Do you always eat until you feel stuffed and uncomfortable during the holidays? Food is nourishment and fuel for your body. Enjoying food is a bonus but it often creates many unwanted and unintended consequences. People come to me to lose weight because they feel out of control around food. They hate themselves and feel […]
Hypnosis: A Tool For Health Care Professionals
How could health care professionals benefits from learning hypnosis? Medical professionals know about how the body works physiologically, chemically, biologically and psychologically. They are highly trained in diagnosing problems and prescribing treatment. Many medical professionals are aware of the strong mind/body connection and often recommend reducing stress as part of the treatment program. Stress […]
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Why Hypnosis is Effective on Children
Would you like to help your child feel more confident? Have you tried to help your child sleep better or stop wetting the bed? What would you do differently if you knew you were programming your child for fear and failure? The mind, at birth, is like a blank hard drive of a computer. All […]
When Intimacy Is A Problem
Some things are difficult to share, even with our closest friends. Although sexual ads and Viagra ads seem to be all around us, many still have problems with impotence. When the issues are not caused by a physical organic problem, they are caused by emotions. Have you noticed that when you feel bad, you experience […]
Overcoming Your Inner Conflicts
Have you ever argued with yourself about something? Have you looked at a delicious cookie, and had a debate with yourself over whether or not to eat it. How many times have one part of you asked yourself “why did I say that?” or “why did I do that?” We all have different parts, or […]
What Is There To Worry About
At some time or other we all worry about something. Worry is a natural defense mechanism that tells us to “be prepared”. Some people take it to an extreme, to the point where they never feel prepared. Their life centers on “What if…” and the answer they receive is never a positive one. They feel […]
Tap Away Emotional Baggage – As Heard on Dr. Oz!
Dr. Oz has become an icon of health and wellness. Even though he is a traditional medical doctor, he is always open to new and innovative approaches to wellness. He has hosted many different practitioners including hypnotists, raising awareness of the public to choices they have to take control of their own wellness. Recently his show […]
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Control Stress Before it Controls You!
Stress has become a common topic of conversation. The discussion is often: “I am so stressed out, I don’t have time to do anything!” “My job is so stressful!” It is usually followed by a list of examples that make it seem completely unmanageable. Although stress can be negative or positive, the physical effects are the […]
Stress or Anxiety- How Do I Know?
Stress or Anxiety? How do I know? Everyone who lives and breathes experiences stress. Your problems are not from the amount of stress you have, but how you handle it. Stress is annoying, but anxiety is debilitating. Stress is responsible for everything from headaches to cancer. It is blamed for short tempers and bad manners. […]
In The Game of Life, Who’s Your Coach?
In Ancient China there was a saying: “May you live in interesting times.” It was considered to be as much a curse as anything. Sometimes the most difficult times are the most interesting, most challenging and often the most rewarding. They often test us by creating obstacles, and occasionally they bring out the best in us. […]
Tap Away Emotional Baggage?
If you have tried EVERYTHING else to get relief from those negative emotions and the physical discomfort they have created, it’s time to tapthose old feelings away. If you haven’t already heard about the amazing phenomenon of ‘tapping’, let me be the first to enlighten you! Although tapping is not new, it is only beginning to find […]