My Healing Hypnosis

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

In The Game of Life, Who’s Your Coach?

In Ancient China there was a saying: “May you live in interesting times.” It was considered to be as much a curse as anything.  Sometimes the most difficult times are the most interesting, most challenging and often the most rewarding. They often test us by creating obstacles, and occasionally they bring out the best in us. It all depends on how you choose to see your challenges.  Many people are held back from succeeding because they have a fear of failure.

The most successful among us are often those who have suffered the most failures but they did not see them as failures.  They describe them as challenges or learning experiences. They expected them, faced them, overcame them and became successful because of them.  What if you knew you could not fail, you could only learn more lessons?

The times we are living in are nothing, if not interesting.  Interesting, however, can also feel overwhelming, confusing and paralyzing We have so many decisions to make and we perceive that we have either too many, or not enough, choices.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have an objective, professional partner to guide you through your interesting times? Wouldn’t you like a nonjudgmental, skilled partner to help you to clarify your goals and negotiate your challenges?

Traditional talk therapy used to be the only option. Many of my clients report that they have been in therapy for years without much noticeable change in their situation, but today you have better, more effective choices.  Most traditional therapy focuses on one problem area or issue at a time. It also primarily focuses on the past and analyzing the cause of the problem. Ten years ago, using a life coach was barely an option and now, life coaching has evolved to a whole new art form that can include hypnosis.

Hypno Coaching is the most direct way to move your life forward to the next level. We all have challenges in our lives where we feel temporarily unable to think clearly, make decisions, unable to find the energy to feel satisfied or feel joy. We just feel stuck! Coaching focuses on the client from the present and emphasizes moving forward. You learn to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. You learn to focus on creating goals based on your core values and are coached toward reaching those goals. Coaching does not diagnose, treat or cure mental or emotional problems and is not a substitute for other professional help.  Hypno Coaching works with the client as a whole being and helps them regain control of their life.  No one would consider taking up a sport without using a coach to learn the skills, strategies and rules of the game to perform to the best of their ability.  Life can be seen as a game in that there are challenges and rules and we all want to win. Coaches help you to develop strategies, skills and plans to accomplish your goals. The better your strategies and life skills, the more success you experience. Many of us want or need help to develop and refine our life skills so we can compete and excel in our lives. Hypno Coaching supports both personal and professional goals.

 Unlike sports, the rules of life and relationships keep changing, requiring new strategies and different kinds of strengths to move forward.  The blending of hypnosis, life coaching skills and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), tools help you to achieve more than you ever thought possible. The results are easier, quicker and more effective than personal coaching or traditional therapy alone. It is the best remedy for feeling stuck! HypnoCoaching includes the use of both conscious and subconscious processes to help you transform your dreams into reality. The process includes helping you clarify your goals, create action plans, making commitments and overcoming obstacles toward achieving a successful and fulfilling life of your choice.

Often the most important parts of a HypnoCoach’s challenge are to help you imagine, picture and define what your fulfilled life is. If you can imagine it, you can have it! Hypno Coaching is more affordable than both traditional hypnosis and traditional therapy. After the initial consultation, Hypno Coaching is done on the phone, except when a face-to-face hypnosis session is needed. You don’t need to leave your home; you just need to make time, usually 30 minutes a week.  Hypnosis CD’s are created for you and provided as part of the service. HypnoCoaching is appropriate for anyone who has experienced the inability to feel satisfied in his or her life, anyone in transition, or anyone who recognizes that what he or she has been doing so far to manage their life is not working for them.

 Come join Fern Tausig at the Milford Library on Feb. 4, at 7 pm and ask all the questions you may have about Hypnosis or Hypno Coaching.

For a free phone consult about HypnoCoaching, call 203 283 4567 or email Fern at

My Healing Hypnosis