My Healing Hypnosis

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Hypnosis can help your overcome fears and phobias

You can begin by asking yourself, what is a fear?  If you are really in danger, it is a very helpful feeling that creates a reaction in your mind that then sends adrenaline to all your systems, muscles, nerves, etc to prepare you to fight or flight.  Of course if you can’t run and you can’t fight, you freeze!  Eventually, the fear takes on a life of its own, and you become afraid of fear! You are just afraid of feeling afraid.
Remember, thoughts create feelings and negative thoughts create negative feelings.  If you have an irrational fear, that is irrational because the danger is clearly past, it becomes a habit.  An old response to old experiences.  Because the way your unconscious mind works, it is trying to protect you and doesn’t realize that the danger is really past.
I wonder if you find yourself using negative self talk, reminding yourself over and over again that you are afraid.  This self-talk becomes like self hypnosis.
You are creating the thoughts, you can change them.  Remind yourself that you used to be afraid but now you are safe!
Many people have fears and phobias that can interfere with their life. Most fears and phobias develop due to traumatic experiences and are mostly psychological.

Hypnosis is an easy and quick method for releasing even deep-rooted fears.

According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown that people oftentimes have the same fear as their parents. Phobias also manifest due to individual experiences. Symptoms of phobias can range from mild to severe. Many people experience anxiety, avoidance, feelings of powerlessness, sweating, and rapid heartbeat. There are natural treatments available to help people overcome their fears, including… hypnotherapy.
Chihara-Want says that fears are often buried deeply inside people and caused by earlier experiences or an association. It is estimated that 90% of adults have a fear that interferes with their life in some way. Some people know what event or experience triggered their fear while others have no recollection.
Hypnosis allows a person to access repressed memories during a hypnotic session. The hypnotist can then help them eliminate negative associations and replace them with positive ones.
Many doctors prescribe medication to cover up the symptoms of fears without eliminating the actual fear.
Hypnosis is a safe and natural method of treatment that can get rid of fears permanently and quickly.
Hypnosis works by targeting negative thoughts and emotions in relation to a fear whether those memories are repressed or remembered. Also, hypnosis is natural and has no negative side effects.

Overcoming Phobias

There are two highly effective methods for removing a phobia. One is the hypnosis method and the other is the NLP fear/phobia model. The hypnosis fear/phobia method involves locating the ISE (Initial Sensitizing Event), that is the first time you experienced what has become the fear/phobia you have now. In most cases, it is not usually when you first consciously noticed the fear but tracks much further back. The NLP Fear/Phobia model also goes to the ISE, but the methodology used …The method is done in a partially disassociated state so you don’t “go into” the feeling, yet at the end of the process it is completely eliminated.

If you would like to overcome your fears and phobias, call or make an appointment today!

Phobias,” Retrieved on August 17, 2009

My Healing Hypnosis