My Healing Hypnosis

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

(203) 283-4567

How Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight?

  1. Change your relationship with food and lose your craving for junk food.
  2. Become aware that your desire for comfort food really makes you feel really uncomfortable! Sometimes it’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you.
  3. Change your relationship with your body.
  4. Increase your confidence about your ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Eliminate stress eating by helping you create a “Plan B” which are things away from food to help you cope with stress.

Having A Hard Time Losing Weight?

Gaining Back What Took Months to Take Off?

What if You Never Had To Diet Again?

Is hypnosis your answer to losing weight?

  1. Can you imagine yourself at your healthy weight or size?
  2. Have you dieted successfully?
  3. Do you feel safe losing weight?
  4. Has your extra weight reduced your quality of life?
  5. Do you eat when you aren’t hungry?
  6. Do you eat when you are emotional?
  7. Do you feel out of control while eating?
  8. Do you really want to lose weight NOW?
  9. Do you believe you can lose weight?
  10. Do you believe you deserve to lose weight?

If losing weight is really your #1 priority.

You will achieve your healthy, goal weight with hypnosis.


Research studies have found hypnosis to be an effective weight loss tool. In one study, the results indicated that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97%. 



lose weight, feel great

Surround yourself with healthy nutritious food


Weight Management can be a life long struggle and with good reason. 

Part of the long struggle with weight management is related to one’s relationship with food and the foods one chooses to surround themselves with. 

There are so many things available to eat that should not even be referred to as food, because they are really JUNK. 

Junk belongs in the garbage, not in your body. 

The junk food industry is very busy trying to sabotage your weight control. They have become clever in convincing you that baked chips, for example are a better food. They are still not a food at all, they are still a JUNK! 

When losing weight is your #1 priority , you will eat only when you are hungry, stop when you are satisfied, and be aware of both! You will also surround yourself with healthy nutritious food and avoid JUNK!

Questions and Answers

Hypnosis and Permanent Weight Loss

Sometimes its not what you eat, its what’s eating you! Are you an emotional eater? 

  • Do you eat when you are not hungry?
  • Do you eat more and enjoy it less? 
  • Do you feel disgusting after you finish eating? 
  • Do you eat stuff you know is unhealthy? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, hypnosis is probably the only way you can finally lose weight. By changing your relationship with food, you will be more satisfied with less food and only eat for nourishment. Hypnosis helps you resolve the emotional issues that make you reach for food.

Dieting is the worst thing to do to lose weight. Because your unconscious mind, the part of your mind that craves food for emotional reasons, is very literal.

When you are “on a diet” it knows how to behave, but as soon as you go “off the diet” your mind goes back to comforting you with food and the old habits return. With my program, you can eat whatever you want, you will just WANT very differently! Food becomes fuel for your body and your body decides what and when it needs fuel.

I have a client that lost almost 100 lbs. without dieting by changing the way he saw his body, and changed the way he saw food. You don’t need to lose weight because your body knows exactly how to release the extra weight when you change your habits. The weight comes off easily and steadily. Since the new habits become permanent, it doesn’t matter how much you have to lose.

You have lost weight in the past because your body responds beautifully to being properly nourished and respected. With hypnosis you change your habits without the on again, off again experience of being on a diet. You never feel deprived and it is easy to maintain a healthy weight by taking care of your body.

Most people overeat in an altered state of consciousness. The process of overeating and eating junk is generally done in an emotional state. This state resembles hypnosis. You don’t need to go deeply into hypnosis to experience the benefits.

You learn how to handle the emotions away from food and learn how to use self hypnosis to maintain your focus. Anyone who wants to be hypnotized can be. Anyone who can’t it is by their choice.

It is a very common question and impossible to answer honestly. I recommend a commitment of at least 3 sessions to start and often do a reinforcement every few months for the best success. Everyone responds differently and everyone has different issues related to food. The only ones who fail are the ones who quit! Quitters never win and winners never quit!

Want More Information?

Call to ask any questions you have about meridian tapping or to request an appointment.

Call: (203) 283-4567

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International Association of Counselors and Therapists
My Healing Hypnosis