My Healing Hypnosis

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(203) 283-4567

Vaping, Jeweling, Ripping.Should Parents Be Worried?

As a former health educator, very little surprises me when it comes to teenagers. However, that has all changed with the news I’m getting about e-cigarettes or jewels or pods or whatever they are called. I have treated several teens in the past few months to help them ‘kick the habit’ and hypnosis has been […]

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Pain Relief Using The Power of Your Mind

There are many different kinds of pain. Pain is felt physically, emotionally and psychologically and most often cannot be separated. There is a very strong mind body connection and that is why it’s easier than you would imagine to reduce pain using nothing more than the power of your mind. There is still so much not known about the science of […]

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The Pursuit Of Happiness.. Understanding Bad Habits

    Understand How To Find Happiness We have all been raised to believe in the American way that includes the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  There are many who tie their happiness to a future event, I can’t be happy until…or I won’t be happy unless… Since all hypnosis is […]

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My Healing Hypnosis