Sleep is a habit There are certainly enough stressful things right now in our world to keep you awake but, they don’t have to! Every time you tell yourself you can’t sleep, you can’t sleep! It’s not true, everyone sleeps. You may not sleep well, but you definitely CAN sleep. But can you sleep soundly. […]
Category: Uncategorized
When You Feel Like You Can’t Take It Anymore
Are there times in your life when you thought you just could not handle one more thing? Or that you just can’t take it anymore? Well, you are not alone. That is a feeling we all get from time to time. And, of course, what did you learn? You can handle anything and everything you […]
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Legalized Vaping: A Crime Against Humanity?
Legalized vaping has no place in our society The older I get the more jaded I become about the role of the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) in protecting the health and wellness of our country. Now the FDA is allowing legalized vaping to infiltrate the lifestyles of millions of young adults. Unscrupulous business opportunists will […]
Meridian Tapping Has Gone Mainstream!
Meridian Tapping is becoming understood by more and more people Although I’ve written about Meridian Tapping, (also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) before, I am compelled to revisit it now. A few weeks ago while watching TV, “Jane the Virgin”, to be exact, and Tapping was being used to calm her down and […]
Why Bother Making New Year’s Resolutions?
I’m not sure if anyone still goes through the process of writing down resolutions anymore but I’m encouraging it, even if you choose not to keep them. I hope this inspires you to consider mindfully putting a few down on paper. I’m reminded of an old Chinese proverb: “A journey of a thousand miles […]
Irritable, angry, sad, or depressed?
Understand Moods There’re so many different ways to label negative feelings. Each has a different definition and evokes a unique way of experiencing it in the mind and body. Every emotion has a corresponding physical expression that includes, but is not limited to, elevated blood pressure, stomach pain, neck or back pain or even headaches. […]
Are You Avoiding Seeking Help?
If you are feeling unhappy, out of control or just plain miserable there may be some specific reasons you are avoiding asking for help. Some of the reasons people avoid getting the help they need are that they think they can handle it themselves, or that it will pass. I would ask those people, “How […]
Vaping, Jeweling, Ripping.Should Parents Be Worried?
As a former health educator, very little surprises me when it comes to teenagers. However, that has all changed with the news I’m getting about e-cigarettes or jewels or pods or whatever they are called. I have treated several teens in the past few months to help them ‘kick the habit’ and hypnosis has been […]
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Hypnosis For Childbirth
As I watch a TV show that portrays a woman giving birth as a screaming woman in labor, I feel compelled to share my latest passion in the world of hypnosis. I’m excited to share with you the idea and process of childbirth with hypnosis. Without becoming too technical, I will share with you the idea […]
Are Angry People Abusers or Abused?
I have written about anger before but this is a question that still remains unclear. Why are some people just angry by nature? Does being angry give a person the right to burst out into a mean, out of control rant? We often tiptoe around angry people so we don’t ‘set them off . People […]