My Healing Hypnosis

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Depression describes a wide range of conditions ranging from feeling blue, to severe clinical depression and schizophrenia.

If you experience thoughts of suicide, consult your doctor immediately.  If you are on anti depressants, these thoughts can be a side affect of the medication and your doctor should be aware to make any necessary changes in your medication.

When you think about or focus on negative thoughts, you create negative feelings that bring on more negative thoughts and the cycle continues until you feel out of control.
However, you are always in control of your thoughts…
1.  You just need to take that control by thinking about the things in your life you are grateful for
2.  Think about what you want instead of what you don’t want.
3.   Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have.

By breaking the cycle of negative thoughts you will feel better. Hypnosis can help you to get rid of those negative thoughts and you can learn self hypnosis to maintain those changes.

Hypnosis has been used successfully for treating mild depression and as a complement to medical treatment for severe depression. Often negative thoughts trigger negative emotions which then triggers negative behaviors. Hypnosis can be effective in helping to change those negative thoughts replacing them with positive ones. Hypnosis is also very effective in reducing stress which also can create feelings of depression. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so the negative thoughts you are thinking is a negative hypnosis you have been doing to yourself, creating negative feelings. Learning self-hypnosis techniques can empower you to change your life by changing your thoughts!

It is always important to consult with your medical doctor before using hypnosis for depression as hypnosis can be an effective part of the total treatment for depression.

“Dr. Michael Yapko has, for the last thirty years, specialized in the treatment of depression with clinical hypnosis. In a climate where anti-depressant medication is still physicians’ first treatment choice, Dr. Yapko’s approach to clinical practice still represents cutting-edge work.”

“Clinical hypnosis has been directly influenced by the current push for empirically supported treatments, and in recent years substantial high-quality research has assessed the effectiveness of hypnosis and its contribution to improving therapeutic outcome. ”

“There is also a growing body of evidence demonstrating that, when hypnosis is part of the treatment process, it catalyzes positive clinical outcomes and generally increases the benefits of established treatments. ”

“Hypnosis offers a way to conceptualize how human beings construct their individual realities, and how to interact more effectively with others; in clinical hypnosis hypnotic processes are employed as agents of effective communication and change,” says Dr. Yapko, who was chosen to write the sections on Treating Depression and Brief Therapy for the Encyclopedia Britannica Medical and Health Annuals. “Our knowledge of depression has greatly improved in recent years, firmly establishing the essential role of psychotherapy in treatment. Whenever psychotherapy is indicated, so are specific identifiable patterns of hypnotic influence, since the two are fundamentally inseparable.”  Read the entire June 01 2004 article.

My Healing Hypnosis